Johnny von der Maxi Rott
Sire: Boom vom Cherniy Kumir
Dam: Kimi vom Charco
Born: 15 Feb 2018
HD Frei, ED Frei (ADRK)
JLPP n/n
ADRK Weltjugendsieger 2019
Kroatian Kubjugendsieger, BOB
Banat Cup- Youth Sieger + BOS
Middle Europe Gold Cup- Youth Sieger + BOS
Slovakian Klubsieger- Youth Klubsieger + BOS
Euro Banat Cup- Youth Winner (9-15 month class)
MARK Hungry Klubsieger- Youthsieger- Auslandsieger
HMRE South Hungry Winner Show- Youth Winner- Youth Sieger
Croatian Youth Champion
Hungry Youth Champion
Johnny is a top ADRK German working male with an incredibly strong pedigree. He is the direct son of 2017 ADRK KLUBSIEGER and 2018 IFR WORLD CHAMPION Boom Vom Cherniy Kumir!! BOOM is such a phenomenal male that has gone quite literally all the way in both show and working venues! IPO III is the the highest achievable working degree, and he also has his BH and ZtP. In the show venue, Boom earned KLUBSIEGER (best German Rottweiler at the entire show) at the ADRK- biggest German Rottweiler show in the world, and then went on the next year to become WORLD CHAMPION!! Having a show dog go all the way is an accomplishment to be so proud of. Having a working dog that has what it takes to go all the way is a ton of hard work for both handler and dog- years of training. But to have a phenomenal Rottweiler that cannot be topped in either show or working?!?! Really cannot say enough incredible things about Boom! His name says it all!!
Johnny is German engineering at its finest! He is the culmination of generations and generations of breeding only the absolute best that was capable of proving his/herself in every possible way. He is a linebreed on the one and only BALOU v SILBERBLICK, a linebreed on Balou’s most famous son (and the uncle of my Dunjo), AMBASSADOR v SHAMBALA, along with Ambassador’s sister (and Dunjo’s mom!), Ayka von Shambala, and all of the greats- Mambo, Gringo, Lacky, Amigo… In the first 9 generations, with a total of 1022 Rottweilers, only 24 dogs do not have at least one working title, almost everyone else has multiple working titles, and a majority of them have gone all the way to Sch/IPO/IPG 3 (highest possible achievable working level)!! Out of the first 5 generations in his pedigree- total of 62 dogs- there are a staggering 172 working titles!! The amount of money and effort by the owners/handlers to get a dog that far with countless hours of training, and the character, drive, confidence and stamina of the dogs… It is just impossible to find that anywhere anymore! Just a remarkable pedigree and a remarkable male.
Johnny’s sire:
Boom vom Cherniy Kumir
HD-Frei ED +/- (ADRK)
LÜW(spondilose) frei
Heart clear
ZTP am 02.07.2017, Bg Allgau-Bodensee, Edgar Hellmann
World Champion IFR 2018
VDH German Winner 2017, BOB, Best in Group 2nd place
VDH German Junior Winner 2016
ADRK Jugend Champion
VDH Jugend Champion
Champion of Hungary
Champion of Czech Republic
Weser-Ems Sieger 2017
5 CACIB, 4 R.CACIB, 8 Anw. Dt.Ch VDH, 6 CAC ADRK
Nordseeküstenjugendsieger 2016, V1, JCAC ADRK, J.Anw.VDH
VV1 ADRK Weltsieger 2016
VV1 Europasieger 2016
VV 1 VDH Frühjahrsieger
LOOOK at that movement!! His reach and drive- it is like the standard for Rottweiler movement was written about Boom!
Massimo von Shambala
HD-Frei ED-Frei (ADRK)
Deutscher Champion ADRK & VDH
ADRK Weltsieger in Nis, Serbien
Klubsiegerzuchtschau 2014 Offene Klasse: V 4
– 11.10.2014: ZTP in der BG Hardt / Zuchtrichterin Frau Claudia Wolf-Meixner. Trieb-/Aktionsverhalten: Revieren/Stellen/Verbellen: V, Griffverhalten: V, Ausdauer: V, Führigkeit: sg, Fluchtversuch/Angriff: sg, Angriff aus der Bewegung: V, Einsatzfreude: V, Beruhigungsvermögen: sg, Belastbarkeit: V
Massimo hat am 17.10.2014 in Dortmund unter dem Zuchtrichter Paul-Dieter Viehoff in der GHKL. die Bewertung V1 erhalten.
ZTP-Bericht (auszugsweise): groß, vorzügliche Gesamterscheinung, kräftige Knochenstärke, temperamentvoll, kräftiger typvoller Kopf, kurzer breiter Fang, ausgeprägter Stopp, mittelgrosse korrekt getragene Ohren, dunkelbraune Augen, kräftiger Hals, tiefe und breite Brust, Ellenbogen anliegend, gerade Vorhand, geschlossene Pfoten, gerader breiter Rücken, muskulöse Hinterhand, korrekt gestellt und gewinkelt, kräftige Rute, korrektes Stockhaar, Kopfform: kräftig/typvoll, Jochbeinausprägung: deutlich, Formwertnote: V
English Translation:
ZTP in the BG Hardt / judge Mrs. Claudia Wolf-Meixner. Drive / action behavior: Revieren / Stellen / Verbellen: V, grip behavior: V, endurance: V, agility: sg, escape attempt / attack: sg, attack from the movement: V, joy: V, calming ability: sg, resilience: V
Massimo has in the GHKL on October 17, 2014 in Dortmund under the judge Paul-Dieter Viehoff. received the V1 rating.
ZTP report (excerpts): large, excellent overall appearance, strong bone strength, spirited, strong type head, short broad catch, pronounced stop, medium-sized correctly carried ears, dark brown eyes, strong neck, deep and broad chest, elbow fitting, straight forehand, closed paws (well knuckled), straight broad back, muscular hindquarters, correctly positioned and angled, strong tail, correct straight hair, head shape: strong / typey, cheekbones: clear, shape value: V
Johnny’s grandmother (Boom’s dam)
(in case you were under the impression that only the males were phenomenal 😉 )
Cherniy Kumir Olivka
HD-Frei, ED-Frei (ADRK)
Kaiserschnitt 2018, 2019
Dt. Ch. VDH (German Champion)
ADRK 131237
KÖRUNG EZA am 17./18.09.2016,Rheinhausen-Oestrum , Hellmann,Spindler
KÖRUNG (ADRK) am 14.09.2014 in Eschweiler, bestanden
ZTP am 20.07.2013 in Kalkar (Frank Hedtke)
Heidejugendsiegerin 2012
KS Holland 2012
IFR 2012 – V7
IFR 2013 – V2
ZTP am 20.07.2013 in Kalkar (Frank Hedtke)
Johnny’s great-grandmother
Cherniy Kumir Krashkina Doch
World Champion IFR 2011
ADRK 38.Klubsieger-Zuchtschau V2
IPO3 (98 94 83) “Agrosoyuz Cup-2011”, Gunter Schwedes, May 2011 – 3st place
IPO1 (89 93 81) – “XII Ukrainian Universal Cup”, J. Ritzi/F. Reichert, June 2010 – 1st place
IPO1 (93 80 92) – “Agrosoyuz Cup-2010”, I. Lengvarsky, May 2010 – 5st place
IPO1 (80 90 97) – Mogilev, O. Abrazovsky/V. Fedorov, October 2009 – 3st place
IPO1 (96 90 93) – “Grodno Cup-2009”, O. Morozova, September 2009 – 3st place
ZKS – 1
Johnny’s grandfather
(Kimi’s mom)
Lacky von der Südpfalz
HD-Frei ED-Frei (ADRK)
BH, AD, IPO 3, VPG 1
BJS’09,Vize-Europasieger 10
Dt. Champion VDH
1 Platz Veteranenklasse 2016
VDH Leipzig Aug. 2016
Dt. Vet. Ch.
ZTP am 26.06.10: in Königsbach, D. Hoffmann ein kräftiger Rüde, freundlich, temperamentvoll, mit freiem und ausgreifendem Gang. Korrektes, mittellanges Haar mit rotbraunem klar abgegrenztem Brand. Kräftiger Kopf mit mandelförmigen, schwarzbraunen Augen (1b) und korrektem Lidschluss. Dunkle Nase. Korrekte Ohren. Normale Backenausbildung, normale Jochbeinausprägung bei ausgeprägtem Stop und breitem Fang. Straff anliegende Lefzen, dunkle Maulpigmente. Sehr kräftig ausgebildeter Nacken, lose Kehlhaut, stark gewölbte Vorbrust, fest anliegende Schultern. Korrekter Stand in Vor- und Hinterhand mit guter Winkelung. Fester gerader Rücken, leicht abfallende Kruppe mit hängend getragener, kräftiger Rute. Ein Rüde mit sehr kräftigem Fundament und starker Bemuskelung. Fluchtv./Angriff, Angriff a.d. Bewegung-v, Revieren/Stellen/Verbellen, Griff, Einsatz, Ausdauer, Beruhigung, Belastbarkeit-sg, Führigkeit-g, schussfest
English translation
ZTP on June 26th, 2010: in Königsbach, D. Hoffmann a strong male, friendly, spirited, with a free and extensive walk. Correct, medium length hair with reddish brown, clearly defined fire. Strong head with almond-shaped, black-brown eyes (1b) and correct eyelid closure. Dark nose. Correct ears. Normal cheek formation, normal cheekbones with a pronounced stop and wide muzzle. Tight lips, dark mouth pigments. Very strong neck, loose throat skin, strongly arched front chest, tight shoulders. Correct standing in front and hindquarters with good angulation. Firm straight back, gently sloping croup with a strong, hanging tail. A male with a very strong foundation and strong muscles. Escape / attack, attack a.d. Movement- v, areas / standing / barking, grip, effort, endurance, calming, resilience- sg, leadership- g, bulletproof