• Guardian Rottweilers takes FIRST PLACE KENNEL at the 2013 ADRK Klubsieger in Rottweil, Germany!!

Import: Bull x Nina

Bull Se Ungo-Rot x Nina Se Ungo-Rot

Bazi Se Ungo-Rot
Bazi is pick male from Bull and Nina’s litter.  Here he is at 8 weeks old learning how to stack up so he can be a top show dog!  SUPER topline, excellent angulation, clean, rich markings, heavy bone- overall just really great conformation!  Head type is also super!  Large head, deep stop, larger ears that are correctly set and carried, and a broad topskull.   Character is super.  Playful yet gentle with medium drive.  He currently lives in the house with his breeder where his kids call him “Meda” which is Serbian for “Teddy Bear” He is a beautiful boy inside and out.
bazi05 bazi04 bazi03 bazi02 bazi01 

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