• Guardian Rottweilers takes FIRST PLACE KENNEL at the 2013 ADRK Klubsieger in Rottweil, Germany!!

K Litter: Ocho x Geneva

Guardian Rottweilers K LITTER
Sire: “Ocho” Guardian Warrick Von Gottschalk
Guardian Geneva Von Gottschalk



Geneva and Tahlia selfies on the way to the vet 😉 
Everywhere we go, everyone loves the gentle, good natured, intelligent, eager to please Geneva <3  
Getting ready for her ultrasound!  *fingers crossed!* 

Puppies born on November 19th!  4 beautiful boys and 4 lovely ladies!
What a wonderful mama and what gorgeous babies!!

Proud and happy mama <3
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8 little angles
We have to change pads, towels and blanket often while mom is whelping.  We have warmers/incubators for the puppies to go in while we are cleaning and changing, but more often than not, I have plenty of eager hands to hold the puppies for me <3
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I love how it looks like Red has his arm wrapped around Lime <3
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Isn’t it crazy how tiny Rotties start out compared to how large and strong they grow up to be?
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Such gentle kisses and nuzzles <3
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Guardian Kona Von Gottschalk
She left the pillow intact. Waited till we got home to potty (even though I took her out on leash 3 times on the way home). She has peed and pooped in the yard already. Mia is trying to corral her and Winston is trying to mount her *sheesh* other than that they get along great so far. She loves our yard. The weather doesn’t seem to phase her. She has tried for our shoes. I moved her muzzle 3 times telling her no each time. The last time I went dog wisperer on her and shhed her neck. I think I scared her and she almost went belly up. Hasn’t touched them since. I can’t thank you enough. It is wonderful to see my old ones appear younger if not only for a bit. Anaia wanted to tell you she misses you and the other puppies and she loves your hair 😉
Kona2 Kona1
What is your recommendation for the parvo vaccine? Should I insist on a 20wk one when I take her to my vet to discuss the schedule? (Her appt is 2/11). I plan to ask her opinion but I want to know your thoughts too. I also want to ask about activities for Kona before she receives her shots. Will walking her around the block in my subdivision be ok or should I just keep her in my backyard until she has had all of her shots? She thinks bunny poop is delicious by the way. *sheesh* I need to find more ways to get her tired out. My older two dogs are “done” playing by 9am (hahahah) and its cold outside. We have done some running and training in the house already. She is currently learning lie down, off, go potty, come,
and I can’t take credit for sit cause I’m sure you did that. But I know she is bored inside. She loves being outdoors but won’t leave my deck unless someone is out there with her. Did mention its cold out there 🙂
I pulled out our large crate cause she has already out grown the one I brought her home in. I was planning to put her in the medium sized one that I had both my iggies (Italian Greyhounds) in and move them to the large one but Kona marched right in and made herself at home in the large one.
She makes me laugh so very much every day. Tehya has said she couldn’t be upset around Kona even if she tried. Tehya has really stepped up and suprised me in the role she has taken with training Kona too.
Oops. I didn’t mean to go off on a tangent. Please forgive me. I am still very excited and thankful and needed to share. I am practicing restraint, believe it or not. I want to email you every time she learns something new or does something cute or if I take more adoreable pictures… you get the idea. I pray you and your family are well and Ethan is feeling better.
A very greatful,
Your gift to my family makes my heart smile every day!!! I truly cannot thank you enough!
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Using her paws successfully and first “real” snowfall trying to catch the snowflakes. I love this little girl (18.8lbs at exactly 12 weeks).

I am glad to hear you are going to move. Any chance it will be to Illinois? I could crochet you a rottweiler fur sweater with all of the fur my roomba is picking up as a welcome gift. HA HA HA. I knew they shed but wow! My iggies don’t really have much fur. Anaia is loving running around trying to catch the fur clumps as Kona looses her puppy fur. All I hear is “my precious precious puppy fur.” She is such a nut. I didn’t think it was possible but Kona is getting even softer.
She is still doing well. The vet said she is her new favorite rottie puppy. We will be doing 20wk shots and I will keep you updated as to how training classes go after we start when she is done with her vaccinations. The 3 dogs are getting along better now but Kona is still reading their back off growls as play time simply because of their size. She is almost 25lbs now.
I am attaching a few pictures. I LOVE her smile.
Praying all is well.
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My beautiful baby is almost 6 months old! I can’t believe how fast time has gone already!
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Kona has her own YOUTUBE channel! <3  Click HERE to see her getting her own ICE! <3

Just a quick note to say hello and I’m thinking of you. I love this little girl more and more every day. Her head is just like her Mama. Her body is just like her Daddy’s.

Thank you again for the most wonderful girl in the world.
Love you,

Just wanted to send you a pic of my beautiful Kona. I can’t thank you enough for this amazing sweetheart. She makes me smile every day and can be such a goofball. I love her so very much. She is such a great girl.

Thanks again,


“Zeus” Guardian Kaiden Von Gottschalk

Dear Alice,

                    Hello this is Holly McKinley. Sorry this is late but I just wanted to let you know how Kaiden’s ( or as we call him now Zeus) vet visit went. Our vet said that he looked great and would like to see him back in about a month for his next round of puppy shots. My husband and I wanted to thank you again for such a great puppy. We love his so much already and just think he is a great addition to our family. Thanks again! 

Kaiden01 Kaiden_Zeus04
Dear Alice,
Hello this Holly McKinley and I thought that you would enjoy some recent photos of the puppy that we got from you guys. We purchased Kaiden, but we call him now Zeus. He is now 7 months old and he is a great puppy! He loves to give kisses still so that hasn’t changed. He thinks that he’s a lap dog so whenever we sit down on the couch he wants to be right up there with you and give you kisses??.
We took him swimming for the first time a couple weeks ago, and at first he was a little scared and timid but once he got in the water and went around the pool a couple times he was a pro! He gets along great with our other two dogs. He and our Siberian Husky are almost inseparable??. They always play together and it’s so much fun to watch them.

We can’t thank you enough for this wonderful addition to our family! We love him so much and we are so glad we purchased from Guardian Rottweilers. We will always recommend you to anyone looking for a Rottweiler. Hope you have a great Fourth of July and thank you again!
Kaiden_Zeus03 Kaiden_Zeus02


Guardian Kandy Von Gottschalk
I just wanted to send you a few pics that I took of my/our precious babies! My husband and I enjoyed meeting Miguel and I look forward to the day we can get together. I pray you and yours are doing well!

Thank you for ALL you do!

Kandy1 Kandy2 Kandy3



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