Guardian Rottweilers R LITTER
Sire: “Kaos” Jergan Joep Von Den Hatzrüden
Dam: “Piper” Guardian Oasis Von Gottschalk
Piper is the daughter of none other than Guardian Geneva Von Gottschalk!! Geneva and the progeny she has produced are what won us our First Place Kennel/Breeder in Rottweil, Germany and made us the number one breeder in the world in 2013!! Geneva is sired by legendary Dunjo Von Shambala!! Dunjo is THE definition of exceptional German working male! He was incredible in every way, especially character. He was son of Like Von Sittard and the grandson of easily the most recognizable German male of all time, Balou Von Silberblick!! Balou was the male that first got me interested in showing and eventually breeding. I cannot describe in words just how amazing he was! Geneva’s dam is Multi-Champion Maxy Se Ungo-Rot, the matriarch in one of the best producing lines we have had and a line of some of the best moms I have ever had. Maxy was sired by Candidate for International Champion Marschall Se Ungo-Rot, a strong, powerfully built male with extreme bone and type.
Piper’s sire is Klubsieger winner, Elite Dog Winner, Derby Winner- (and too many other titles/wins to list!) Faryco Terezsky Dvur! This Russian Super-Star is the son of Merlin Flash Rouse, who is the son of Gringo vom Grüntenblick and grandson of Mambo Von Der Crossener Ranch!! And lets not forget about Dack, Puma, Ramona, Gil, Orlando, Chris, Rik, Doc… So much type, bone, substance and character packed into one pedigree!!
Piper’s first litter <3 She is such a naturally exceptional mom <3 But she hails from generations of great moms- Geneva, her mom, and Maxy, her grandma, are 2 of the best mothers I have ever had <3
First vet visit- please forgive the photo quality, they are from my cell phone.
He looks like he is smiling <3
Guardian Razor Von Gottschalk
Hi Alice,
Just wanted to send you a picture of our handsome boy. Also Razor’s call name is Loki (god of mischief) and boy is that a good name for him!
Please let me know if you need anything else.
“Khaleesi” Guardian Rue Von Gottschalk
-Devon and Christy

Here’s a few pics of Khalli my wife just sent me. Thought you might enjoy them as well.Just wanted to let you know that Khalli is doing great, and still living her sissy. They had a fun outing today and got lots of attention. Even had someone taking pictures and they had heard of you! And here’s an adorable pic of them riding and being good and sweet.

Guardian Reign Von Gottschalk
Reign with her CGC ribbon
It sounds like you’ve been on a world tour. How exciting to know your legacy is world-wide!! Reign has her therapy dog test on the 14th and then we have to complete two observation sessions; if all goes well, she’ll be our third certified therapy dog. It’s a lot of work/time/money but we think it’s worth it. We see it as an opportunity to show what amazing dogs Guardian Rottweilers are – both in beauty and temperament. It took Reign a little longer to “come out of her shell”; the first session she growled at the trainers and seemed more timid than we were used to but she finally hit her stride; now she can’t wait to give loves to the trainers. They brought in a rescue pit bull (a very young female who had obviously just had a litter of puppies – she could only have been old enough to have had her first cycle and was bred at that time; we’re guessing a puppy mill) for an evaluation by Mike as to adoptability. When they first took her into the shelter, she was growling at the other dogs and the shelter workers. Come to find out, the little pit bull had been locked in a semi-trailer for over 18 hours and no one knows where her puppies are (I’d growl too . . .). Mike wanted to see how she was with other dogs and used two dogs from the therapy dog class to ‘test’ her, one of which was Reign (the other was a German Shepard named Raider). Reign was great with the little pit bull (so was Raider) and she seemed just fine; obviously a little worse for the wear and a bit reserved but not at all aggressive. Mike had previously used Piper and Parker during their class to work with a Great Pyrenees that was frightened/nervous around other dogs and your Guardians helped Ivy to overcome her nervousness/fright of the other dogs.
We also had a family that was in the therapy dog class that had a fairly severe Down’s syndrome daughter. The older daughter was the one actually training the dog but the mother and Down’s girl would also come to class, as well as teeny tiny little 3-4 yr old girl. The little one could not wait to give loves to all the BIG dogs, had absolutely no fear (and there were some big dogs in this class) and absolutely loved Reign. The Down’s girl would also pet most of the dogs and always included Reign in her choice. The last week of class before the CGC test, the Down’s girl had a serious episode. We were actually seated right next to them and the first thing we knew, the Down’s girl was throwing folding chairs across the room; then attacked the mother and it took a bit to get her calmed down. The amazing thing was that Reign never flinched, wasn’t startled; didn’t react in any way except to watch. Yet another amazing testament to the incredible temperament of your Guardians. We thought you should know . . .
Piper Parker and Reign are all great. In many ways, Reign is definitely Piper’s daughter but there is obviously some Chaos in there as well. Reign wakes up with one (usually two) balls in her mouth and goes to bed with one/two in her mouth/on her bed. She would play catch/retrieve 24/7 if she could.
How can we ever possibly thank you for your amazing dogs and the amazing friendship of your family. Hoping all is well with you and yours.
All our love
Charlie and Kristen
PS I n the photo Parker laying down, Piper in the middle and the Reign (Reign sits just like her mom) Parker is gaining some of her weight back, now at 92, Piper 96 and Reign 82#. Everybody that meets Reign thinks she is so cute, I think she has Kaos’s face.
Reign watching for squirrels
Guardian Ruby Von Gottschalk

I am so very sorry about your Diesel! I truly know how hard it is!
